Welcome to Spring Semester

Monday, March 18, 2013

Kourtney is concerned about student comprehension

This semester I am observing in a third grade class and, as with most every school, once a week these students prepare for the NJASK.  Many times they do readings and those readings are followed by questions that refer to the story, essay, narrative or poem that they have just read.   These booklets are collected and usually the teacher gives them to me to grade. I have noticed that many students are careless in their work.    They do not read directions.    They often just completely miss the point of the excerpt they have just read.  They do not seem to be able to answer the comprehension questions correctly, especially went they are asked to respond to open-ended questions. I never see the teacher give reading instruction in any of the areas in which the students seriously need help. The comprehension problem continues to exist.  

 Do you have any ideas of ways I could kindly suggest something about this problem to the teacher? Should I share with her what I observe about the work that I am correcting?   What are your thoughts about this problem?   Is it that students cannot understand what they are reading?   Do any of you see the students in your classes exhibiting the same comprehension problem?    Thanks!



Sunday, March 10, 2013

Marina questions the idea of too much material and too little time

I'm observing in a kindergarten class this semester. The children are only in school with the teacher for a half day. As I am observing I am noticing that the teacher doesn't have enough time to cover all of the curriculum subject areas and lessons that she is expected to cover.   I assume that the problem is that this happens to be a half day kindergarten and that there is just not enough time.   It makes me think about how I, if I were ever a half-day kindergarten teacher, would be able to get in all of the content that is required over the course of the kindergarten year.  Do you believe that kindergarten should be only half day or can you think of reasons why these children should go to school for a full day?   This half day schedule and the pressure the teacher is under to cover all of the material on the kindergarten level really makes one wonder what type of curriculum we should have for these students?     Are we expecting the teacher to cover too much material?  Or should the state of New Jersey just mandate that all kindergartens need to be all-day kindergartens?  How would you go about teaching under these circumstances?  Are there any suggestions you have as to how to incorporate those other subjects into this daily routine?    

Monday, March 4, 2013

Jacquel and yet another struggling student

I am tutoring a second grader who is struggling with much of her school work.   Since she was in kindergarten, two years ago,  she has been tutored both before and after school.  This tutoring does not seem to be helping her to “get a handle” on the work that she is being given in class. Her first grade teachers observed that she was having difficulty and approached the parents with the suggestion the she be tested in order to determine the problem and receive recommendations for assistance that would address her specific needs. The parents refused to have her tested and said they will continue with the tutoring until the end of 1st grade.  At the end of the year the teachers suggested that she repeat 1st grade, but the parents fought this suggestion and this child was promoted to the 2nd grade. I am now her tutor and I see that she is struggling.  I believe that she needs specific special needs help which means that she would have to be classified.   I have spoken to her teacher as well as her principal and the school superintendent.   They all agree with me that this child should be tested, but each of these professionals has warned me that the parents are against taking that course of action. I try to do my best as I help her every day.   I use many different teaching strategies for each subject. Her teacher knows this child’s situation and tries to work with her as much as possible, however the regular classroom teacher is now on maternity leave and there is substitute teacher in the room.    The substitute teacher does not know this child’s needs as well as the original teacher.  The child, of course, does not have an IEP and thus she continues to struggle academically.    .

 How can I help this student?  Without being tested she has no IEP.   How will the new teacher know how to help her and address her specific needs? What would you do in this situation?